
Diablo 2 assassin blade build
Diablo 2 assassin blade build

DL/Save as copy and edit valuesĪs of Season 4, Blade Sentinel may be the strongest phys ability in the game clocking in at over 30k+ damage per tick, meaning over 150k DPS.

diablo 2 assassin blade build

  • Adding some Blade Sentinel info as well.
  • Be warned it still uses weapon durability.
  • Blade Shield no longer misses and is larger.
  • Deadly strike globally nerfed, but now skillers are EVEN BETTER thanks to synergy buffs.
  • While they added the "fake" AR amount to the character sheet (bfury used to show nothing on the AR portion on the sheet) it still does not apply correctly!

    diablo 2 assassin blade build diablo 2 assassin blade build

    Senpai said in a recent stream they fixed it in season 2 this is not true. Demon Limb / Obedience Enchant mandatory! AR% BONUS OF BLADE FURY AND CLAW/DAGGERY MASTER DO NOT WORK FOR BLADE FURY.

    Diablo 2 assassin blade build